One of the most direct ways to establish direct contact and communication with potential customers is in international fairs, trade missions or business rounds, this because they are ideal occasions that bring together buyers and sellers, in the same place and in a given period of time , and for Elisur Organic is important to meet our customers, engage in business discussions, understand their needs, understand the environment, know in what market we are moving, also update us with technological advances and improvements for our product, in that sense to 2020 despite the pandemic we participate in a series of face-to-face and digital trade event, both international fairs and business rounds, among them highlights our participation in:
Face-to-face international fairs:
* The international fair Fruit Logistic 2020 in Berlin, Germany.

* The international fair Bio Fach 2020 in Nuremberg, Germany.

Virtual international trade fairs:
* Fruit Atraction 2020 (MarketPlace and Social Business Network).

International virtual trade fairs in Peru:
* Expoalimentaria

* Virtual Business Roundtable Super Foods Peru Europe - Fresh

Our participation in these international fairs, allowed us to get closer to our customers, consolidate business relationships, expand our customer base, evaluate future projects and business alliances, understand and appreciate the culture of the countries in which we are present, in order to provide a personalized service to measure, these experiences make us grow and open new doors for us, it involves investment is true, but everything good has a price, the road is made by walking and the world is to travel it.